Children's Advertising Clearance Committee

Ad Standards' Children's Clearance Committee has the important responsibility of reviewing and approving children's broadcast advertising messages to ensure compliance with the provisions of The Broadcast Code for Advertising to Children (Children's Code). All children's commercials must be approved by the Children's Committee and carry a valid Ad Standards approval number prior to broadcast on Canadian television.

The committee, which includes industry and public representatives, meets every other week to review and approve finished commercials.

Jean Larivière (Co-Chair)
Clearance Services Director & Client Services Manager, Ad Standards

Alex Lalonde (Co-Chair)
Senior Clearance Analyst, Ad Standards

Rhonda Bagnall
Director, thinktv clearance

Mike Darley
Public Representative

Paula De Laurentiis
Supervisor, Broadcast Traffic & Talent

Nanao Kachi
Director, Social and Consumer Policy
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

Carolyn Leu
Senior Manager, Advertising Standards
CBC/Radio-Canada Media Solutions

Kim Lichtman
Marketing Manager
Kruger Products

Jen Rowe
Public Representative

Nicola White
Public Representative

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