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The Code Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards (Code)?
The Code is the Canadian advertising industry's principal instrument of self-regulation.
What’s in the Code?
The Code includes 14 provisions that set the criteria for acceptable advertising. The Code is supplemented by Interpretation Guidelines that enhance industry and public understanding of the interpretation and application of the provisions.
What does the Code do?
The Code sets the standards for acceptable advertising in Canada and forms the basis for the review and evaluation of complaints from the public, and disputes between advertisers, about advertising.
Who created the Code?
After broad consultation with industry and stakeholders, Ad Standards (then the Canadian Advisory Board) first published the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards in 1963. It is regularly updated to ensure it remains current and relevant to contemporary Canadian society.
When was the most recent update of the Code?
The Code was last updated in 2019. As the need arises and issues emerge, new interpretation guidelines are developed to support the Code.
What type of advertising is covered by the Code?
The Code applies to advertising of products and services in any medium (i.e., radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, billboard, Internet, flyers, etc.).
Is there any Canadian advertising that is not covered by the Code?
The Code does not apply to:
- packaging, wrappers and labels
- political and election advertising (See the advisory for more information)
- foreign media (namely media that originate outside Canada and contain the advertising in question) unless the advertiser is a Canadian person or entity
What should I do if I think an ad violates the Code?
Ad Standards accepts complaints from the public about Canadian advertising. When a complaint raises an issue under one or more of the Code’s clauses, it may be adjudicated at a meeting of the Standards Council. If the ad is found to contravene the Code, the advertiser will be asked to remove or amend the advertising.
Who sits on the Council?
The Council is composed of representatives from the advertising industry and the public, who volunteer their time to support the consumer complaint process. For more information about the Council and its current members, see the Council page.