Alcoholic Beverage Advertising Clearance

Ad Standards Clearance Services reviews alcoholic beverage broadcast advertising to ensure compliance with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Code for Broadcast Advertising of Alcoholic Beverages (CRTC Code). We also offer review services for broadcast, digital, print and out-of-home advertising to ensure compliance with the Ontario AGCO Liquor Advertising Guidelines and for British Columbia under the CRTC Code. At the request of broadcasters and advertisers, we have been providing clearance in this division since 1997.

Ad Standards Clearance Services also offers consultation services for new product launches and new advertising concepts. Review services are offered in both English and French and are done by clearance analysts who are experts in their respective disciplines.

Working collaboratively with clients, Ad Standards Clearance Services can help ensure your advertising meets regulatory requirements and receives a clearance approval number. The Ad Standards clearance approval number communicates to private and public broadcasters that the advertisement has been approved.

We also offer educational workshops and custom presentations, to help advertisers and their agencies keep abreast of the current regulatory environment and emerging issues affecting advertising.

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