Clearance Services Portal Information Page

Ad Standards is launching a new portal for preclearance submissions for all divisions in November.

Please refer to this page for the most up-to-date information about our preclearance portal upgrade.


October 10 Update

Key dates:


November 14* Last day to submit advertising for preclearance in the old system.
November 15 to 18 Ad Standards Clearance Services CLOSED for all services.
November 19 All new submissions must be made on the new portal for all sectors (except Health Products, which is still closed).
November 19 to 22 No Express services for the following divisions: Alcohol, Children’s Broadcast, Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverage Advertising, Responsible Advertising of Food & Beverage Products to Children, and Cosmetics. All other service levels are available for these divisions.

No Health Products submissions. This division remains unavailable.

November 25 Submissions can be made on the new portal for all divisions, including Health Products.

There will be no Express or Priority Service available for Health Product submissions until December 1.

December 1 All service levels in all divisions are available.


*Note to Health Product submitters: Any orders with a turnaround time of greater than 7 days must be made using the old portal before November 8, or, must be submitted in the new portal when service reopens on November 25.

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